Corporate philosophy
Stand humbly, but enduringly. Strive to glow and expand abundantly.
We strive to convey the fascination and tradition of Japanese incense culture that has endured for more than 1,400 years.
We hold nature in highest esteem, and with its blessings, endeavor to create high quality incense.
Through our incense products, we propose “a good life with fragrance” to our customers.
We aspire to make those who become involved with us pleased.

Management Values
Learn from the past
We seek wisdom and direction from history; from the ancient discovery of fire, the long cultural journey of Japanese incense, and the footsteps of pioneers at Shoyeido.
Keep changing not to change
To persevere as both a manufacturer and seller of incense, we must boldly embrace many challenges. We believe it helps us to be a meaningful and purposeful company.
Making our customers feel comfortable
Ingredients we use
As we gather ingredients, we maintain respect and consideration for the global environment. Primarily, we use aromatic woods and medicinal plants, along with other components that are deemed as healthy ingredients by international standards.

Smoke of incense
If incense is used as is intended and in accordance to tradition, we believe the smoke is not harmful. Carefully selected, high-quality incense will ensure a pleasant and safe experience. We encourage you to embrace the lingering scent that remains after the embers are extinguished.

Respect for nature
Environmental Management
Shoyeido’s office is certified by Step 1 of KES (Kyoto Environmental Standard), and our factory is accredited by ISO 14001 (International Standards Organization) to substantiate an effective environmental management system.
KES/Kyoto Environmental Management System Standard (Japanese language only):

Biodiversity Conservation Activities
The fundamental nature of Shoyeido’s business of making and selling incense relies on ingredients harvested from nature. With respect and gratitude to nature’s gifts, Shoyeido actively engages in important activities to promote biodiversity.

Nurture rare plants/ Share information of rare plants
As Shoyeido’s business relies heavily on harvesting natural ingredients, it is of the highest priority for us to actively engage in activities to promote the nurturing of rare plants.
Foster rare plants in the local area
We subscribe to Ex situ conservation in which we nurture rare plants that thrive in our local area.
Exhibit rare plants at Shoyeido stores
We raise and nurture rare plants at our Nagaokakyo factory, and exhibit them at Shoyeido stores in hopes of raising people’s awareness to the earth’s environment.
Publish posters on rare plants
To introduce and showcase rare plants that grow in Kyoto prefecture, we provide our customers informational posters each quarter. We also display these posters in our Shoyeido stores.

Clean-up campaign for habitat of indigenous rare plant
Ogurakouhone-Nuphar oguraensis is a perennial plant of the water-lily family, and spreads yellow flowers from June to September. This plant is designated as a protected species in Kyoto, along with being listed on the endangered list of the Ministry of Environment in Japan. As a designated rare species of wild plant, it only grows in two areas of Kyoto prefecture – Nagaokakyo and Chutan. With the cooperation of a local environmental group, Shoyeido has been actively diligent in cleaning up the plant’s habitat.
Previously, the habitat was badly tainted - marred by litter, empty cans, and plastic waste. Each year, we have been working to clean the terrain by the river to express our thankfulness for nature, and to recognize the importance and commitment of contributing to society through environmental activities among our employees.

The river had become compromised by an accumulation of litter that was collected and removed by Shoyeido employees.

Ultimately, the river’s water became clear and unencumbered, where the habitat prospered and the flowers blossomed in summer.

Nurturing and Exhibiting Fujibakama-Eupatorium japonicum
Fujibakama, Eupatorium japonicum, is a perennial plant that grows from 1-2 meters along river banks. When dried, it emits a distinctive, characteristic fragrance that is said to have been embraced by people in China since ancient times. Artists in Japan have written poetry that was derived from Fujibakama, and the plant was highlighted for the name of chapters in The Tale of Genji. Japanese people have long been devoted to this plant, and while it was once widespread throughout the country, it is not often seen today.
- Designated as an endangered species on Kyoto red list
- Designated as an near-threatened species (NT) on red list of Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Preparing cuttings
Herbaceous cutting
Planting out
Exhibiting at stores
Cooperation with local communities
Shoyeido has been participating in an exhibition featuring “Fujibakama and Indigenous Flowers of Japan,” which has been sponsored by a public interest-incorporated foundation since 2009. As Shoyeido was certified by Kyoto city government as a company that is active in contributing to conserving and promoting the creation and culture of Kyoto, we continue to be engaged in environmental conservation activities with local communities.
Environment-friendly product design and product development
Shoyeido is actively engaged in environmental conservation activities for the good of society, working on product design and development in an environment-friendly, sustainable manner. For example, in the care and pruning of the Fujibakama-Eupatorium Japonicum, Shoyeido is able to utilize the pruned components of a rare plant to make incense.

An incense holder made from soil
When garden soil is produced, small amounts of particulate sand in soil are removed, which are commonly disposed of as industrial waste. Using proprietary technology, Shoyeido has succeeded in utilizing this component to make an incense holder that is included in many of our products , thus reducing and reusing potential industrial waste. This incense holder also absorbs tar that can be emitted from incense, and is effective for reducing staining of incense trays.
Products including incense holder made from soil
- Horin (20-stick and 80-stick versions)
- Floral World
- Incense Road (except for 120-stick version)
- Xiang Do (except for 120-stick version)
- Kunro

Incense and sachet made from Fujibakama’s leaves
The “Incense of Fujibakama” is made from the leaves of Fujibakama-Eupatorium Japonicum, which have been nurtured by people in the Mizuo area of Kyoto city. Fujibakama naturally grows taller than a human, and to adjust the height and flowering time, local people in the Mizuo area prune the plant once in the rainy season. Leaves that are trimmed are then dried and used for making incense.
No animal testing
As the idea of protecting animals is now a universal concept, animal testing is no longer accepted in the civilized world. In support, Shoyeido never conducts animal testing for developing incense products. It is our mission to gather and enforce meaningful safety guidelines concerning ingredients and the manufacturing process. By utilizing knowledge and experience that has been accumulated over generations, we are committed to the safety of our products and processes.

Respect for Human Right
Respect for Human Right
- We profoundly respect the rights of all humans.
- We abstain from discrimination and from engaging in any form of harassment.
- We strive to create a safe, secure, and hygienic working environment.
- We do not utilize forced or child labor under any circumstances.
- We provide human rights awareness training to our employees.

From Shoyeido to customers
Fragrance derived from more than three hundred years of experience
Invaluable natural ingredients are procured from Southeast Asia and all parts of the world. With well-honed sensibility and proficient skills, the blenders create and bring forth the best fragrance these ingredients have to offer. Our traditional fragrances and time-honored processes are rooted in over three hundred years of experience.

Committed to direct sales
Shoyeido is engaged in all business activities from production to retail sales. We adapt to the constant, rapidly changing times by emphasizing a sincere manufacturing process utilizing time-honored skills and high-quality ingredients along with consideration to the voice of our customers that is applied to our product development strategies.

Cultural activities
As an emissary of Japanese culture, we conduct various instructive activities to introduce incense to as many people as possible, and to enhance its understanding.

Gatherings of Incense and Tea
One activity we support is sharing the culture of incense and tea. Each year Shoyeido sanctions events in Kyoto, Tokyo, and Sapporo, in coordination with venues in local temples and other frameworks.

Lectures on incense
To promote Japanese incense culture within and outside of Japan, Shoyeido offers lectures and workshops about incense.

Shoyeido publicizes and promotes books and independent films to introduce people to the profoundness of Japanese incense culture.

Manage Kunjyukan
Along with Shoyeido’s engagement with manufacturing and selling incense, we have also been seeking other means to share the splendor of Japanese incense. In 2018, we established “Kunjyukan” museum as a foundation of sharing the traditions of Japanese incense.

Host “Fragrance Award”
Hoping that people can become more aware of fragrance in daily life, Shoyeido has been hosting an annual essay contest called “Fragrance Award” since 1985. In 2014, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the event, Shoyeido published books compiling past award-winning works and essays written by judges of the contest.

Open production site to public
Shoyeido has two production facilities – one is a traditional workshop for handmade items in Kyoto city, and the other is a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant in Nagaokakyo city. You can visit and take a factory tour at the traditional workshop. The tour is only available on weekdays, and advance reservation is required. Please ask us for more information.
Mail: (English or Japanese)
Tel: 075-212-5591 (Japanese language only)

Conduct workshops on incense
Shoyeido gives lectures and workshops about incense to spread Japanese incense culture.
Fine craftsmanship
How Shoyeido makes incense
The delicate fragrances are a confluence of proficient skills and the highest quality ingredients. Each scent is made uniquely, with our most sincere spirit, in hopes that the fragrance of each stick enriches people’s lives.

Fragrance nurtured in Kyoto
As you look upon the wall of Shoyeido Kyoto’s main store, you will notice aligned signs provided by the head temples of local Buddhist schools. The signs indicate that Shoyeido is a purveyor of incense for temples, and that both the quality of our products and our corporate stance meet their expectations. We continually strive to manufacture an exceptional product with the highest level of social responsibility.

Import high quality natural ingredients in an appropriate manner
The natural ingredients used for making our incense are mainly cultivated in China, India, and Southeast Asia. We utilize talented blenders who preserve Shoyeido’s traditional recipes, as well as create new fragrances by consolidating these ingredients in fresh new combinations. Shoyeido blenders procure ingredients personally, checking the quality carefully, and have them imported to Japan in compliance with laws and regulations.

Conservation of natural resources
As our global environment and social setting are constantly changing, a reliable supply of high-quality natural ingredients is becoming a challenge. Some agarwood items, specifically, are indexed as endangered species that must be monitored and conserved worldwide. As Shoyeido is working as an envoy of Japanese incense culture, it is our mission to conquer these challenges.

Guiding Principles
Shoyeido Company Guiding Principles
“Expression of gratitude and thanks”
We empathize with our customers, and strive to understand how Shoyeido as a company, our products, and our employees themselves, are meaningful to society.